Nia’s Bright Light

action dogPicture a family with two small children excited to get a puppy for Christmas! Then fast forward six months later to life changes in the family, and a puppy that is now a 16 lb. ball of energy!

That’s where WT Cares stepped in. The pup was transported to Atlanta, spayed, and evaluated by the experts Carolyn Morris and Lynda Golliher. She needed to be crate trained, learn to walk and do her business on a leash, and pick up some manners. What she already knew was how to be the sweetest, happiest, friendliest and most curious pup out there!

As for her Mom, I thought I was a very happy person with a great life: friends, family, semi-retired. But I remembered how much fun it was growing up with terriers, and decided my semi-retired work- at- home lifestyle had room for a Welshie. Her name is now “Nia”: Welsh for “brightness.” Her bright light has made my life so much more fulfilled:  new dog friends, great company on the long walks a Welshie needs, and a lifelong partner ready to explore the world.Nia _Success story_1