Adopting an Older Dog

 untitled (55)Adopting an Older Dog 

At shelters, older dogs are often the last to be adopted and the first to be euthanized. Saving an animal’s life offers an unparalleled emotional return on your investment, and you’ll feel the rewards every day you spend together.

Deacon 1Young dogs and puppies are not for everyone. Yes, they are cute, adorable, full of energy and very appealing, but they require a huge amount of your time for training and play. If you lead a busy life and don’t have time for the commitment it takes to train a small puppy, as it needs to be trained, for the dogs sake as well as your own, please think about an older adult dog.
From time to time, WTCares rescues older dogs that need homes just as much as a cute puppy. These dogs are just as loyal as a young puppy, bring love, and companionship to your home, have life experiences, and they are quick to train and are more subdued thDeacon_profile picturean the younger dogs. However, being a Welsh Terrier, they still have their natural energy and curiosity, and take great pleasure in walks and playing at home, just as the younger ones, but the older dogs have passed the destructive puppy phase.
For a lot of people the greatest concern in taking on an older dog is that they may not bond as well as a puppy and that their life expectancy is shorter. Despite this, an older WT still maintains a great capacity for compassion, love and a solid loyalty to you. Over the years, WTCares has rehomed many adult dogs, and all their new families have found that they settled in quickly and become an integral part of the family within a matter of days. In all of our placements of the older dogs, it has always been a win-win situation for the dog and their new owners.
Just like you, the older dog wants to enjoy easy livin also. Couch potato, know thyself! Please consider an older dog rather than a high-energy young dog who will run you ragged. Not that older dogs don’t require any exercise—they do—but they’re not going to need, or want, to run a marathon every day. Please check out our older dogs available at, and consider adopting one of them

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